Author Topic: best plants for the earth box  (Read 11546 times)


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best plants for the earth box
« on: July 19, 2022, 10:49:41 am »
This year is my first year growing from EB. I planted Tomatoes and peppers in three boxes.
One box all peppers red yellow and orange. They are all like small trees 3 ft high and tons of fruits.
second box has one tomato plant and the rest peppers. Finally the third has two cherry tomato plants and I thought a small petunia between would be cool. That box is out of control huge. One petunia plant is five feet high just as big as the tomatoes. I should say the petunia was a climbing variety but had no clue it would be so big. I also heard petunias help with certain pests. Who knows but it was on my deck so it looks good.
All these came from seeds.

The point of this is I would like to see a thread with best ideas for planting in these boxes. I would like to now from  experience what plants thrive and which don't. Whether its related to size depth or whatever.
My plan is peppers, tomatoes, beans, corn, and possibly watermelon, onions, and garlic.