Author Topic: Tomatoes grew back after winter -- and they're 4 feet tall! What do I do?  (Read 14429 times)

maria lorraine

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Never thought this would happen. I noticed some activity in a few of my Earthboxes in early spring,
that there was some regrowth of the same tomato plants I planted LAST SPRING.

They're now four feet tall and three feet tall, WITH yellow flowers.

I don't think I want to yank them out at this point, so what do I do?

Do I snip off the mulch cover, and dig out some of the soil in the middle and refresh that,
with more dolomite and organic fertilizer?

What would be your recommendation?

PS: I'm in Northern California, and no, this does not happen often even here.

Thanks everybody! I love my Earthboxes!


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It's probably a seed from last year that's growing. I get volunteers every year and let them grow. It's fun to see these volunteers out perform the new transplants.
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I would refresh the fertilizer and start adding the snack ASAP.

"A weed is a plant that has mastered every aspect of survival except for growing in rows." -Anonymous


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I agree with linear249.

You really can't mix dolomite throughout the box at this point without badly damaging the roots of your plants. So I would just refresh the fertilizer band and be sure to tape up the cover afterwards as best you can.

Using the "snack" of calcium nitrate weekly is a very good idea to prevent BER since you can't add more dolomite.