Aline - good to hear from you - missed the correspondence with everyone. The weather here has been nuts also. Rainy season ends the end of November, but we have seen rain since, which is very odd. The calendar ran away from me, don't think planting this year. Me and Bruce both had physical issues that we both haven't been "up to par" on the same day. If I do plant now, everything will be ready just about when we go to NY for a few weeks, so will be feeding neighbors, after all our work. We start from seed, so do lose a few weeks there....
I will never get the slips through customs. If I hear of anyone going to the States that I can send to their address, I'll keep my ears open. My son was on the Disney Dream last week and afterwards did some shopping in FL and brought back sweet potatoes (WERE THEY EVER GOOD - I LOVE THEM AND MISS THEM). I think by now I should have seen some sprouting, NONE, after reading your post - I'm having the rest of them for dinner tonight. I have no ground to plant in (just thought - my son does....). Thanks as usual for your help. Hopefully in the middle of July I can get them from Lowe's or HD and give them a try. Rainy season - May - Nov so have to check expiration dates with crossed fingers. Thanks and hope all is going good with you.