Author Topic: Snowbird needs advice on Florida  (Read 15434 times)


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Snowbird needs advice on Florida
« on: September 23, 2020, 05:09:37 am »
Hi:  I'm from NY.  Last year I brought an earth box with me to Florida.  We live in a gated community there in the winter with a "cage" over the patio.  So I planted my box and after a little while ant hills formed under it.  Was told by the exterminator that it was because of the water coming out the overflow hole, and now my husband doesn't want me to use it.  So my first question is:  what if I raise the box up on some bricks or something and put a pot underneath to catch the overflow.  Do you think that will stop the ants?

Next question:  Any advice with the intense sun?  Will that be a problem?  Not really used to constant sunshine!  Any tricks for tomatoes I need to know?  Supports for inside a cage?  Thank you for any advice.


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Re: Snowbird needs advice on Florida
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2020, 10:06:03 am »
Mary, raising and putting a catch pan under the overflow will work just fine. As far as the full sun, the intensity will not be as great during the winter months and the screening material over your lanai will reduce the amount of light getting through even though you might not be able to tell.
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Re: Snowbird needs advice on Florida
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2020, 01:16:50 pm »
thank you!