Disclaimer: This post was originally posted by Horticulturalist The Earthbox Hero Member, kathy. This user is located in the mountains of PA Zone 5, almost 4. This was originally posted on June 22, 2011.
I would have to add 2 things to these cucumber growing tips that are excellent. Beware of powdery mildew, particularly in humid climates, it can be detrimental to the plants (use a fungus control weekly). Second, consider successive plantings, most people will plant all the cucumbers at the same time, this usually creates an enormous amount of harvest at once, and an early ending to a wonderful garden producer. I do consecutive biweekly plantings from mid May till July 15, this way, I usually have cucumbers from the third week of June until killing frosts (hopefully late October). Before I started doing this, my plants got tired, went into early retirement, just when my tomatoes really started to ripen, I had no cukes to speak of. Right now, my 4 cucumber boxes have a maximum of 2 plants in each box, this weekend, they will each get a new young addition. I learned this successive planting trick from one of the best "truck farmers" in our area about 20 years ago. He would do this with direct seeding by the row in his fields right up until early July, I have found with the EarthBox I can stretch it till mid July.