Author Topic: What do those acronyms, abbreviations, etc. mean?  (Read 21749 times)


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What do those acronyms, abbreviations, etc. mean?
« on: June 14, 2017, 09:51:47 am »
Disclaimer: This post was originally posted by Hero Member, movrshakr. This user is located in Zone 10a- near Cape Canaveral. This was originally posted on April 16, 2011.

Note - 5-2-12; the original post has been replaced with the following to incorporate most of the inputs which follow this post.  This was done because links to the topic land people on this first post, so I thought it would be good if this initial post had the whole list.  A few were omitted as being part of our pleasant jibbing of each other!)

AWS - Automatic Watering System
BBHIS - Big Box Home Improvement Store
BER - Blossom End Rot
BLT - what you hope to be able to make in the end; Bacon, Lettuce, TOMATO
BORG - Big Orange Retail Giant aka: The Home Depot
BST - beefsteak tomato
BT or BTi or BTk- Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis or kurstaki, mostly mentioned here for mosquito control (BTi) and as a spray (BTk) for chewing caterpillars, e.g., hornworm [mod:7-24-12]
BW -  Blake Whisenant  (EB inventor?)
CP - Cherokee Purple, a tomato variety (unofficial abbr., just shorthand)
CTV -  Curly Top Virus
EB -  EarthBox
FBP -  Forest Byproducts
HD -  Home Depot
KOJ -  Kathy or John
LOL - Laughing Out Loud, or lol
MG -  Master Gardener, or Miracle Grow (brand of products)
NPK -  nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (fertilizer components)
OG - Organic Gardening Magazine
OSH- Orchard Supply Chain
PHI -  post spray harvest interval; how may days to wait until harvest.  - gardendoc
PM -  Personal Message (use "My Messages" at top)
pmix -  potting mix
PT -  patio tomato
SIP -  Sub-Irrigated Planter
snack - a calcium nitrate solution, Ca(NO3)2  - gardendoc
SS -  staking system
SWP -  Self-Watering Planter
TH -  tomato hell (credit to Mr. Cushman)
TOTB -  tomatoes on the brain
TT -  Topsy-Turvy planter, upside down planter
TYLCV - Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus

Disease resistance codes found on seed packets
 A     Anthracnose
 AB   Alternaria Early Blight
 B     Bacterial Wilt
 F     Fusarium Wilt (type1)
 F2   Fusarium Wilt (type2)
 LB    Late Blight
 N     Nematodes
 PM   Powdery Mildew
 R     Rust
 S     Scab
 TMV Tobacco Mosaic Virus
 V     Verticillium Wilt
 W    Common Wilt

Add as you see fit.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 09:56:21 am by EarthBoxDD »


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Re: What do those acronyms, abbreviations, etc. mean?
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2017, 09:54:49 am »
Disclaimer: This post was originally posted by Hero Member, PaulB. This user is located in Southeast New Mexico, Zone 7. This was originally posted on April 18, 2011.

OSH - Orchard Supply Hardware, large California hardware store chain.