Disclaimer: This post was originally posted by Hero Member, movrshakr. This user is located in Zone 10a - Cape Canaveral. This was originally posted on March 19, 2012.In following this thread, a thought keeps kicking... maybe it's not the water depth that matters, but the air space. The sensor reacts to air pressure which changes as the air space changes due to rising or lowering water levels. It doesn't care how deep the water is....
Mickie, I owe you a bit of an apology. In re-reading what you said, it is correct, even though I said it wasn't.
What matters is the TOP of the water relative to the AWS sensor tube. So, you are correct--the water could be 50 feet deep, and the sensor would turn on and off with the rise and fall of the top of the water plane. Looking at it that way, "it's not the water depth that matters", only where the top of the water is.
If you take a DEFINED CONTAINER (reservoir), then depth does matter because the top of the water level is what is going up or down, thus the depth is changing, and looking at it this way, then depth does matter--because "depth" is changing the top level of the water.