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EarthBox Chat => Questions and Answers => Topic started by: pmkdo on November 07, 2018, 09:08:22 am

Title: More snack questions
Post by: pmkdo on November 07, 2018, 09:08:22 am
This is my sixth season with Earthbox but my first using the snack
Two questions
1. I know I need the snack for my tomatoes because they are susceptible to BER. Is there a benefit to adding it to other boxes such as herbs and basil?
2. I had got into the habit of adding hydrated lime when my tomatoes were about 3 foot tall to prevent BER, rather than waiting to see if the BER occurred. It worked pretty well but not perfectly. Should I continue to do this in addition to the snack or will I be over fertilizing?
Title: Re: More snack questions
Post by: gardendoc on November 08, 2018, 12:50:03 pm
I would use the calcium nitrate snack for everything except the herbs. You should avoid using the hydrated lime, it's better to make sure you're adding the appropriate dolomite during the planting cycle and supplementing with the snack
Title: Re: More snack questions
Post by: EBXCustServ on November 09, 2018, 08:57:48 am
To concur with Garden Doc, we also suggest to EBX gardeners as a preventative: add 1 tsp. of calcium nitrate to one gallon of water once a week in the water fill tube. Always add dolomite when you set up your EarthBox system, and avoid using high nitrogen fertilizers.
Title: Re: More snack questions
Post by: pmkdo on November 09, 2018, 01:23:33 pm
Got it. Thanks